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A member registered Nov 09, 2019

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I'll just quickly jump in here to let you guys know everything seems to be running smoothly now! Whatever you did seems to have sorted things out, at least on the consumer end. Thanks a bunch for your hard work, doods! Appreciate you!

I'll just jump in here and say I'm 100% in support of a female MC at some point. It'd be a fantastic addition to a game like this, and yours has a ton of potential already.
You have an incredible setting that seems to be very well thought out, and the fact that you feel the need to rewrite the player perspective to be in line with the setting from a female point of view, rather than just a copy/paste but you have boobs, speaks volumes of your dedication. It would make for a very different experience and, for me personally, a very interesting one - but it's obviously also a lot more work. Regardless, it's a matter for the future.
I'm definitely gonna keep my eye on this!